Oh well.
Then today, I get this email from Boy 3, the guy I saw for one hot minute in October. The email was two lines long..."Saw you yesterday...in my office...with my boss..."
How fucken weird! Of course Boy works for Mark Gorton. I'd like to say "Suddenly, it all made sense to me," but everything made even less sense. It really tripped me out to get that communique. It was the second time I'd heard about Boy in the past two weeks, because he'd run into a friend from school, and she actually recognized him from a party we went to at her place. It made me want to re-think life and fate, which I don't particularly believe in. But I'm willing to rethink these things.
I asked him why he didn't say hello. He wrote back:
i wish i had said hello, too. instead i left the
office at four fifteen to avoid a potentially awkward encounter.
that's how much of an adult i am.
Oh Boy...
eh, what a bonehead.
as my mother likes to say, "you'll eventually realize something good came of this."
teleological happiness. i can get behind that!
by the way, thanks to you and the fine folks who produced "Helvetica," i know why the contrast of fonts between that of your blog and that of the email makes me appreciate the "Email Message" per se as an artifact of your personal narrative.
woo hoo!
two things: i totally feel Boy on that. I'd run too. the other: why do i feel an automatic disrespect for people who work at hedge funds? is it like the impossibly handsome, that i imagine how much money they have and how EASY their lives must be as a result and just decide to hate? don't get it, but he definitely seems way less cool to me knowing that he works a hedge fund... even if it tries to be some cool one. i think i read an article about people like me in nymag a while back...
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